Message-ID: <bnews.cbosgd.2469>
Path: utzoo!decvax!harpo!npoiv!npois!cbosgd!mark
X-Path: utzoo!decvax!harpo!npoiv!npois!cbosgd!mark
From: cbosgd!mark
Date: Fri Jul 30 06:23:57 1982
Subject: new USENET map
Posted: Thu Jul 29 22:13:35 1982
Received: Fri Jul 30 06:23:57 1982
We have compiled a current pair list of USENET sites, which is enclosed
in the body of this letter. The list is thought to be accurate, but
there are probably still a few errors, so we are posting it and asking
each site to send any corrections that apply to them.
Remember, USENET is defined as all sites getting net.all. If you are
reading this, the machine you are reading it on should probably be
on the map. But sites that only speak uucp for mail (not news) or
that only get local groups or a select set of groups from net.all
are not on the map. (When I ask for map information, people invariably
tell me all their uucp connections. This is useful to someone [most
like Steve Bellovin, who has undertaken the Herculean task of maintaining
a UUCP map] but not to me. People invariably scribble sites that do
not get news on my USENET maps. Sigh.
Some questions we were not sure of:
what happened to hoasp, ih1ap, ihima, ihlc8 (now iwlc8?),
mhexa, mit-vax, and pucc (now ecn-pa?)?
is wjh12 still on the net?
The map is probably wrong in certain areas, including UCSD,
Duke, and Silicon Valley. Sites in those areas are asked
to check especially carefully for errors.
What is the name of cussyou (csu-cs?) and dcdwest (dcdwestvax?)
Where is dcdwestvax linked up - sdcsvax or ittvax?
What is the status of ihnss? Do ihnss (or now ihps3) and wheps
exchange news?
Is randvax still between ucsfcgl and sdcarl?
A revised map will be out once the dust settles from this one.
The format of this map is n lines (n=249 USENET sites currently), one
line for each site, in the form:
<site> <tab> <nsite> <space> <nsite> <space> <nsite> ...
where <site> is the name of the site, and <nsite> is a site they
sent newsgroups net.all to. (Links with only local newsgroups
going over them are not shown.) In a few cases where the link
was not bidirectional, a simplification has been made. All links
shown here are bidirectional.
It is safe to assume that all links shown here will also pass mail.
However, the type of link is not shown, and some arpanet sites will
not gateway.
Please mail corrections to cbosgd!mark.
Mark and Karen Horton
(not to be confused with Bill and Karen Shannon, who did that
incredible machine-readable 80 column map last February.)
adiron duke
alice mitccc npois npoiv rabbit research
allegra mhtsa psuvax princeton
azure tekmdp
bio reed
brl-bmd duke seismo
bunker ittvax
bwkna mhuxh hlexa
cbosg cbosgd
cbosgd cbosg sescent nscs npois mhuxj
cca csin ima decvax sri-unix
chico zeppo
cires hao
cmcl2 nybcb lanl-a esquire floyd philabs rocky2
cornell vax135
csin cca
cubs45 esquire
cussyou hplabs
cwruecmp cwrunix
cwrunix cwruecmp decvax
dadla-a dadla-b
dadla-b tekmdp dadla-a
dcdwest ittvax
decvax microsoft cwrunix duke pur-ee wivax sultan ittvax genradbolton yale-comix utzoo watmath cca ucbvax harpo mcvax
druxs ixn5c
dsd fortune
duke decvax phs unc mcnc tucc adiron brl-bmd ucf-cs harpo
eagle rdb wheps harpo mhtsa mhuxt
ecn-pa purdue
eisx pyuxbb
esquire cubs45 cmcl2 harpo
floyd cmcl2 harpo vax135 peri
fortune dsd sri-unix
genradbolton decvax
gi sytek psi
gsp86 intelqa
hao menlo70 cires
harpo utah-cs presby floyd npoiv uwvax decvax duke esquire ihps3 eagle
hcr utzoo
hlexa bwkna
hocda houxi
hocsb houxi hocsd hocse hocsf hocsg
hocsd hocsb
hocse hocsb
hocsf hocsb
hocsg hocsb
hoh-2 vax135
hou5a hou5d
hou5d houxi hou5a
houca houxi lime
hound houxi
houti houxi lime
houxa houxi
houxb houxi
houxc houxi
houxd houxi
houxe houxi lime
houxf houxi
houxg houxi lime
houxh houxi
houxi ihps3 npois hocsb hocda u1100a houca houti hound houxa houxb houxc houxd houxe houxf houxg houxh houxj houxm houxn houxo houxp houxr houxs houxt houxv houxw houxy hou5d wbux1 whuxk
houxj houxi
houxm houxi
houxn houxi
houxo houxi
houxp houxi
houxr houxi
houxs houxi
houxt houxi
houxv houxi
houxw houxi
houxy houxi
hp-pcd hplabs ogcvax
hpda hplabs
hplabs cussyou sri-unix menlo70 hpda hp-pcd
hpuxa mhtsa
ico ima
idis mcnc
ih4ep ihps3
ihldt ihps3 ll1
ihlpb ixn5c
ihn5h ihps3
ihn5k ihps3
ihnss ihps3
ihps1 ihps3
ihps2 ihps3
ihps3 houxi harpo inuxc stolaf ihnss ihuxa ihuxb ihuxc ihuxd ihuxe ihuxf ihuxg ihuxh ihuxi ihuxj ihuxk ihuxl ihuxm ihuxn ihuxo ihuxp ihuxq ihuxr ihuxs ihuxt ihuxu ihuxv ihuxw ihps1 ihps2 ihps4 ihn5h ihn5k ihtpa ihtpb ih4ep ihldt ixn5c iwsl1 iwsl2 iwsl3 iwsl4 iwsl5 iwsl6
ihps4 ihps3
ihtpa ihps3
ihtpb ihps3
ihuxa ihps3
ihuxb ihps3
ihuxc ihps3
ihuxd ihps3
ihuxe ihps3
ihuxf ihps3
ihuxg ihps3
ihuxh ihps3
ihuxi ihps3
ihuxj ihps3
ihuxk ihps3
ihuxl ihps3
ihuxm ihps3
ihuxn ihps3
ihuxo ihps3
ihuxp ihps3
ihuxq ihps3
ihuxr ihps3
ihuxs ihps3
ihuxt ihps3
ihuxu ihps3
ihuxv ihps3
ihuxw ihps3
ikonas mcnc
ima cca ico
intelqa megatest sytek gsp86
inuxb inuxc
inuxc nwuxc inuxb ihps3
isrnix iuvax
ittapp ittvax
ittvax decvax sii qumix tpdcvax bunker dcdwest ittapp
iuvax pur-ee isrnix
iwlc7 iwsl3
iwlc8 iwsl3
iwsl1 ihps3
iwsl2 ihps3
iwsl3 ihps3 iwlc7 iwlc8
iwsl4 ihps3
iwsl5 ihps3
iwsl6 ihps3
ixlpc ixn5c
ixn5c ihps3 ihlpb ixlpc druxs
lanl-a cmcl2
lime houca houti houxe houxg vax135 we13
ll1 ihldt sb1
mcnc duke unc web40 wolfvax tucc idis ikonas
mcvax decvax ukc
megatest intelqa
menlo70 hplabs hao sytek nsc
metheus ogcvax
mh3bs mhtsa
mhb5c mhuxa
mhtsa allegra eagle hpuxa mh3bs wjh12
mhuxa mhuxh mhuxt mhb5c
mhuxh mhuxa mhuxm bwkna
mhuxj cbosgd mhuxv
mhuxm mhuxv mhuxh pyuxjj
mhuxt eagle mhuxa
mhuxv mhuxj mhuxm
microsoft decvax
minn-ua stolaf
mitccc alice mitmath
mitmath mitccc
npois houxi ucbvax alice cbosgd npoiv
npoiv pyuxbb npois harpo alice
nsc menlo70
nscs cbosgd rmas70
nwuxc otuxa inuxc
nybca nybcb
nybcb nybca cmcl2
ogcvax teklabs hp-pcd metheus
otuxa we13 nwuxc we04-3b
peri floyd
philabs sdcsvax cmcl2
phonlab sdcatta sdcsvax
phs duke
populi ucbarpa
presby harpo uofp
princeton allegra
psi gi
psuvax allegra
pur-ee decvax purdue uiucdcs iuvax
pur-phy purdue
purdue pur-ee pur-phy ecn-pa
pyuxbb eisx npoiv
pyuxjj mhuxm
qumix ittvax
rabbit alice
randvax sdcarl ucsfcgl
rdb eagle
reed teklabs bio
research alice
rmas70 nscs
rocky2 cmcl2
sb1 ll1 sb6
sb6 sb1
sdaaron sdcsvax
sdcarl randvax sdcattb
sdcatta phonlab sdcattb
sdcattb sdcarl sdcatta
sdcsvax sdqmlab sdaaron philabs phonlab
sdqmlab sdcsvax
seismo brl-bmd
sescent cbosgd
sii ittvax
slinac utah-cs
sri-unix fortune cca hplabs
stolaf ihps3 minn-ua
sultan decvax
sytek menlo70 gi intelqa zehntel
tekcad teklabs
tekchips teklabs
tekcrd teklabs
tekid teklabs
teklabs tekmdp ucbcad tekcad tekchips ogcvax tekid reed tekcrd zehntel
tekmdp azure teklabs dadla-b
tpdcvax ittvax
trigraph utzoo
tucc duke mcnc unc
u1100a houxi
ucb ucbarpa
ucbarpa ucbopt ucbonyx ucbpdp ucbcad ucbcory populi ucbvax ucb
ucbcad ucbarpa teklabs
ucbcory ucbarpa
ucbonyx ucbarpa
ucbopt ucbarpa
ucbpdp ucbarpa
ucbvax ucbarpa decvax npois ucsfcgl
ucf-cs duke
ucsfcgl ucbvax randvax
uicsovax uiucdcs
uiucdcs pur-ee uicsovax
ukc mcvax
unc duke mcnc tucc
uofp presby
utah-cs harpo utah-gr slinac
utah-gr utah-cs
utcsrgv utzoo
utzoo decvax trigraph utcsrgv hcr
uwvax harpo
varian zehntel
vax135 cornell floyd hoh-2 lime
watarts watmath
watmath decvax watarts
wbux1 houxi
we04-3b otuxa
we13 lime otuxa we53
we53 we13 win
web40 mcnc
wheps zeppo eagle
whuxk houxi zeppo
whuxlb zeppo
win we53
wivax decvax
wjh12 mhtsa
wolfvax mcnc
yale-comix decvax
zehntel sytek teklabs varian
zeppo chico wheps whuxk whuxlb