Message-ID: <anews.Acbosgd.1413>
Newsgroups: net.general
Path: utzoo!decvax!ucbvax!ihnss!cbosg!cbosgd!mark
X-Path: utzoo!decvax!ucbvax!ihnss!cbosg!cbosgd!mark
From: cbosgd!mark
Date: Thu Jan 7 11:23:46 1982
Subject: first draft of network map
This message contains a first attempt at a network map. It probably has
lots of errors, and I would appreciate all corrections. The map is in
the form:
site (tab) list of sites news is exchanged with
The map presents only 2 way links, although there are some one way links
really out there, I got the impression that most of these were mistakes.
The map also only includes sites that get net.all, there are many other
sites that only get a few newsgroups and so aren't really on the net.
Likewise, it does not include mail drops. The map is intended to represent
the state of USENET on Feb 1, 1982, so if any of you find inconsistencies
with what you intend to have on that date, please let me know. (Yes, I am
looking at a piece of paper that draws the map, but it won't translate
well pictorially to ASCII.)
Slinac utzoo
adiron duke
alice mhtsa mitccc
allegra mhtsa psuvax
azure tekmdp
bio reed
brl-bmd duke
cbosg ihnss harpo cbosgd
cbosgd cbosg
cca ucb csin ima
ccnga watmath
cg-d decvax
chico harpo zeppo esquire duke
cires hao
cornell vax135
csin cca
cwruecmp decvax cwrunix
cwrunix cwruecmp
dcdwestvax sdcsvax
decvax microsoft cwruecmp duke pur-ee wivax sultan ittvax genradbolton yale-comix utzoo watmath cg-d ucbvax
druxj ihnss
duke chico decvax duke34 dukgeri phs unc mcnc tucc adiron brl-bmd reed ucf-cs uok
duke34 duke
dukgeri duke
eagle rdb ihnss mhtsa mhuxj
eiss npois
esquire chico
floyd harpo
genradbolton decvax
gi sytek psi
hao menlo70 cires
harpo utah-cs presby cbosg floyd zeppo chico whuxlb mhtsa rdb npois vax135
hocsb houxi hocsd hocse hocsf hocsg
hocsd hocsb
hocse hocsb
hocsf hocsb
hocsg hocsb
houxa houxb houxy
houxb houxa houxc
houxc houxb houxe
houxe houxc houxf
houxf houxe houxg
houxg houxf houxh
houxh houxg houxi
houxi houxh houxj ihnss npois hocsb
houxj houxi houxm
houxm houxj houxn
houxn houxm houxo
houxo houxn houxp
houxp houxo houxr
houxr houxp houxs
houxs houxr houxt
houxt houxs houxv
houxv houxt houxy
houxy houxv houxa
hpuxa mhtsa
ih1ap ihnss
ihima ihnss
ihlc8 ihnss
ihldt ihnss
ihlpb ihnss
ihnss ihuxf ihuxg ihuxh ihuxi ihuxj ihuxk ihuxl ihuxm ihuxn ihuxo ihuxp ihuxs ihlpb ihldt ihlc8 ihima ih1ap ihps3 cbosg druxj eagle mhtsa vax135 houxi ucbvax
ihps3 ihnss
ihuxf ihnss
ihuxg ihnss
ihuxh ihnss
ihuxi ihnss
ihuxj ihnss
ihuxk ihnss
ihuxl ihnss
ihuxm ihnss
ihuxn ihnss
ihuxo ihnss
ihuxp ihnss
ihuxs ihnss
ima cca
intelqa sytek
ittvax decvax sii
mcnc duke unc
menlo70 ucsfcgl hao sytek nsc
mhtsa research alice allegra eagle ihnss harpo hpuxa
mhuxa mhuxj
mhuxh mhuxj
mhuxj eagle mhuxa mhuxh mhuxm mhuxv
mhuxm mhuxj
mhuxv mhuxj
microsoft decvax
mitccc alice mitmath
mitmath mitccc
npois harpo eiss u1100s houxi
nsc menlo70
phonlab sdcattb
phs duke
presby harpo
psi gi
psuvax allegra
pucc purdue
pur-ee decvax purdue uiucdcs
pur-phy purdue
purdue pur-ee pucc pur-phy
rdb harpo eagle
reed duke bio
research mhtsa
scl utah-cs
sdaaron sdcsvax
sdcarl ucsfcgl sdcattb
sdcatta sdcattb
sdcattb sdcarl phonlab sdcatta sdcsvax
sdcsvax sdcattb sdcsvax sdqmlab sdaaron dcdwestvax
sdqmlab sdcsvax
sii ittvax
src-unix ucb
sri-unix ucb
sultan decvax
sytek menlo70 gi intelqa zehntel
teklabs tekmdp ucbopt
tekmdp azure teklabs
tucc duke unc
u1100s npois
ucb ucbarpa uwvax src-unix cca sri-unix
ucbarpa ucbopt ucbonyx ucbcad ucbcory ucbpop ucbvax ucb
ucbcad ucbarpa
ucbcory ucbarpa
ucbonyx ucbarpa
ucbopt ucbarpa teklabs
ucbpop ucbarpa
ucbvax ucbarpa decvax ihnss ucsfcgl
ucf-cs duke
ucsfcgl ucbvax sdcarl menlo70
uiucdcs pur-ee
unc duke mcnc tucc
uok duke
utah-cs harpo utah-gr scl
utah-gr utah-cs
utzoo decvax Slinac
uwvax ucb
vax135 ihnss harpo cornell
watarts watmath
watcgl watmath
watmath decvax watarts watcgl ccnga
whuxlb harpo
wivax decvax
yale-comix decvax
zehntel sytek
zeppo harpo chico
SCO's Case Against IBM
November 12, 2003 - Jed Boal from Eyewitness News KSL 5 TV provides an
overview on SCO's case against IBM. Darl McBride, SCO's president and CEO,
talks about the lawsuit's impact and attacks. Jason Holt, student and
Linux user, talks about the benefits of code availability and the merits
of the SCO vs IBM lawsuit. See SCO vs IBM.
Note: The materials and information included in these Web pages are not to
be used for any other purpose other than private study, research, review
or criticism.