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Path: utzoo!watmath!clyde!burl!ulysses!mhuxr!mhuxt!houxm!whuxl!whuxlm!akgua!gatech!seismo!keith
From: ke...@seismo.UUCP (Keith Bostic)
Newsgroups: net.bugs.2bsd,net.usenix
Subject: 2.9 BSD / Networking (BOF)
Message-ID: <2148@seismo.UUCP>
Date: Wed, 1-May-85 12:47:09 EDT
Article-I.D.: seismo.2148
Posted: Wed May 1 12:47:09 1985
Date-Received: Fri, 3-May-85 04:26:04 EDT
Organization: Center for Seismic Studies, Arlington, VA
Lines: 19
Keywords: 2.9, BSD, BOF
There will be a 2.9 BSD BOF meeting at 8: p.m. Wednesday,
June 12th, someplace in the Marriott. The location will
be posted in the conference booklet and on the meeting
This meeting will be a follow-up to the meeting in Dallas.
As some of you know, several people have been working on the
2.9 networking code, mostly to get the various application
level programs running and to make the system installable
by the average site. A first cut at the system is ready;
discussion will center around what we've done to 2.9 so far,
what still needs to be done, and how we should handle distribution.
Any questions, please feel free to contact me.
Keith Bostic
ARPA: keith@seismo
UUCP: seismo!keith