Relay-Version: version B 2.10 5/3/83; site utzoo.UUCP
Posting-Version: version B 2.10.1 6/24/83; site mtxinu.UUCP
Path: utzoo!watmath!clyde!burl!ulysses!mhuxj!ihnp4!zehntel!dual!unisoft!mtxinu!vance
From: v...@mtxinu.UUCP (Vance Vaughan)
Newsgroups: net.unix-wizards,net.bugs.4bsd,net.unix
Message-ID: <159@mtxinu.UUCP>
Date: Wed, 31-Oct-84 11:44:19 EST
Article-I.D.: mtxinu.159
Posted: Wed Oct 31 11:44:19 1984
Date-Received: Sat, 3-Nov-84 07:01:50 EST
Organization: mt Xinu, Berkeley
Lines: 100



                           --IMPORTANT DISCLAIMERS--

          Material in this announcement and the  accompanying  reports
          has been edited and organized by MT XINU as a service to the
          UNIX community on a non-profit,  non-commercial  basis.   MT

          MT XINU welcomes comments in writing about the  contents  of
          these reports via uucp or US mail.  MT XINU cannot, however,
          accept telephone calls or enter into telephone conversations
          about this material.


          Legal  difficulties  which  have delayed the distribution of
          4.2bsd buglist summaries by MT XINU have been  resolved  and
          three versions of the buglist are now available.

          The current buglist has been derived from reports  submitted
          to  4bsd-bugs@BERKELEY  (not  from reports submitted only to
          net.bugs.4bsd, for example).  Reports  are  integrated  into
          the  buglist as they are received, so that any distributions
          are current to within a week or so.

          Buglists now being distributed are  essentially  "raw".   No
          judgment  has been passed as to whether the submitted bug is
          real or not or whether it has been fixed. Only minimal edit-
          ing  has  been  done  to produce a manageable list.  Reports
          which are complaints (rather than  bug  reports)  have  been
          eliminated;  obscenities  and  content-free flames have been
          eliminated; and duplicates have been combined.  The  result-
          ing collection contains over 500 bugs.

          Three versions of the buglist are now  ready  for  distribu-

               Two lines per bug, including a concise description, the
               affected   module,  the  submittor.  Approximately  55K
               bytes, it is  being  distributed  to  net.sources  con-
               currently with this announcement.

               All material, except that all but the most inocuous  of
               source  material  has been removed to meet AT&T license
               restrictions.   Nearly  a  mega-byte,  this   will   be
               distributed  to  net.sources in several 50K byte pieces
               later this week.

               A paper listing or mag  tape  is  also  available,  see

               Please note that local  usenet  size  restrictions  may
               prevent   large   files   from  being  received  and/or
               retransmitted.  MT XINU will not dump this material  on
               the  net  a  second time; if your site has not received
               material of interest to you within a  reasonable  time,
               please send for a paper or tape copy.

          All-with-Source (FOR SOURCE LICENSEES ONLY):

               4.2 licensees who also  have  a  suitable  AT&T  source
               license  can obtain a tape containing all the material,
               including proposed source fixes where such were submit-

               Once again, MT XINU has not evaluated, tested or passed
               judgment  on proposed fixes; all we have done is organ-
               ize the collection and eliminate obvious  irrelevancies
               and duplications.

          A free paper copy of the All-but-Source list can be obtained
          by sending mail to:
                  MT XINU
                  739 Allston Way
                  Berkeley CA 94710

                  attn: buglist

          or electronic mail to:


          (Be sure to include your US mail address!)

          For a tape, send a check for $110 or a  purchase  order  for
          $150  to  cover  MT  XINU's costs to the address given above
          (California orders add sales tax).  For the  All-with-Source
          list, mail us a request for the details of license verifica-
          tion at either of the above addresses.

Relay-Version: version B 2.10 5/3/83; site utzoo.UUCP
Posting-Version: version B 2.10.1 6/24/83; site mtxinu.UUCP
Path: utzoo!linus!decvax!ittvax!qumix!zentec!amd!dual!unisoft!mtxinu!vance
From: v...@mtxinu.UUCP (Vance Vaughan)
Newsgroups: net.sources
Message-ID: <164@mtxinu.UUCP>
Date: Wed, 31-Oct-84 20:12:55 EST
Article-I.D.: mtxinu.164
Posted: Wed Oct 31 20:12:55 1984
Date-Received: Sat, 3-Nov-84 21:03:59 EST
Organization: mt Xinu, Berkeley
Lines: 1182


	The following is a list of two-line descriptions of the bugs
	processed by Mt Xinu.  The first line gives the offending
	program or source file and source directory (separated by --),
	who submitted the bug, when, and whether or not it contained
	a proposed fix.  The second line is a VERY short description
	of the problem.

	Important general information and disclaimers about this and
	other lists is appended at the end of the list...

adb/runpcs.c--bin	  rws@mit-bold (Robert W. Scheifler)   18 Nov 83   +FIX
	arguments to :r losing first character
ar.c--bin			   salkind@nyu (Lou Salkind)   10 Feb 84   +FIX
	usr/group ids overflowing
arff.c--etc			   salkind@nyu (Lou Salkind)   17 Nov 83   +FIX
	RT-11 files can't be read
as--bin				  Bob Brown < r...@RIACS.ARPA>   31 May 84   +FIX
	.fill does not work
as--bin				 Steve Draper < draper@nprdc>   25 Mar 84  
	inapropriately reports doubly-assigned variables in c
as--bin				Hans Boehm < b...@rice.ARPA>   8 Sep 84   
	multiple text segments with jeql-like instructions causes error
as.c--bin			   cbosgd!mark (Mark Horton)   6 Jun 83   
	large structs not handled by the assembler
atrun.c--usr.lib	   hpda!hpdsd!hpdsa!mojo (Joe Moran)   14 Feb 84   +FIX
	multiple group permissions not handled
awk--bin			  sun!shannon (Bill Shannon)   9 Dec 83    +FIX
	doesn't allow replacing fields
awk--usr.bin			James Larus < jlarus@bbn-vax>   13 Jul 84  
	doesn't properly concatenate strings passed to substr
backgammon--games      brown...@harvard.ARPA (Dave Brownell)   22 Aug 84  
	has hardwired break and kill characters
c2--lib				chris@maryland (Chris Torek)   6 Aug 84    +FIX
	mangles some "extzv", "movz", and "cvt" instructions
c2--lib			   Vincent Broman < broman%BUGS@Nosc>   21 Sep 84  
	optimizer can mess up order of if-else labels
c2/c21.c--lib		   Vincent Broman < broman%BUGS@Nosc>   26 Sep 84   +FIX
	optimizer messing if-else labels, caused by removal of jump
c2/c21.c--lib			 root.Oregon-Grad@Rand-Relay   4 Nov 83   
	optimizer type casting being missed for bit masking
calendar--usr.bin     ihnp4!garfield!andrew (Andrew Draskoy)   5 May 84    +FIX
	pattern matching bug
canfield--games	       brown...@harvard.ARPA (Dave Brownell)   22 Aug 84  
	doesn't follow Hoyle's rules
catman--etc		     ucsfcgl!blia!eric (Eric Allman)   22 Feb 84   +FIX
	won't produce local manual with "l" argument
cc--bin			weemba@ucbbrahms (Matthew P. Wiener)   26 Aug 84  
	always uses old syntax, get's confused
cc--bin      M. Satyanarayanan < cmuitca!>   21 Jul 84  
	assignment of pointers to void functions not accepted
cc--bin			   Mike Braca < mjb%Brown@UDel-Relay>   27 Sep 83  
	bit fields inconsistently treats unsigneds
cc--usr.lib		       edh...@randvax.ARPA (Ed Hall)   11 Jan 84   +FIX
	casting op= operations loses precision on floats
cc--bin			     Preston Mullen < mullen@NRL-CSS>   12 May 83  
	unsigned modulo arithmetic done wrong
cfscores--games	       brown...@harvard.ARPA (Dave Brownell)   22 Aug 84  
	un-initialized scores file
cfscores.c--games		  chris@gymble (Chris Torek)   9 Sep 84    +FIX
	blows up with UID greater than last one in score file
changes.4-81--man				 ogcvax!root   Jun 24 83   +FIX
	typos, etc.
compact--ucb					 allegra!rdg   Jul 2 83    +FIX
	can't handle large files
compact--ucb		   Mike Braca < mjb%Brown@UDel-Relay>   27 Sep 83   +FIX
	can't handle long filenames
compat--games			   salkind@nyu (Lou Salkind)   7 Dec 83   
	not complete, environment passed wrong
config--etc			watrose!arwhite (Alex White)   14 Dec 83   +FIX
	doesn't understand wildcarded unibus drivenames
cp--bin			   Mike Braca < mjb%Brown@UDel-Relay>   27 Sep 83   +FIX
	doesn't close files on error, fills up file table
cpp/cpp.c--lib (Bill Kalsow)   19 Sep 84   +FIX
	adding "optional arguments" to macros
cpp/cpp.c--lib   Spencer W. Thomas  < UTAH-GR.thomas@utah-cs>   27 Apr 83   +FIX
	misses some lines in line numbering
creat--man		      Jay Lepreau  < lepreau@utah-cs>   25 Apr 83   +FIX
	stated usefullness for locking a lie
cribbage--games			 smith@wisc-rsch (Jim Smith)   7 Dec 83   
	flushes are not counted
csh--bin		   Mike Braca < mjb%Brown@UDel-Relay>   3 Oct 83    +FIX
	"unlimit" command produces "not owner" error
csh--bin		     leblanc@ucbdali (Emile LeBlanc)   15 Mar 84  
	history with - arguments hangs
csh--bin			  edjames@ucbcory (Ed James)   5 Oct 83   
	if-then interactive doesn't do anything
csh--bin			      ralph (Ralph Campbell)   23 May 83  
	piped/background sleep doesn't run in background
csh--bin			      ralph (Ralph Campbell)   25 May 83  
	quietly quits on unreadable ".."
csh--bin			      csuf!...@trw-unix.UUCP   19 May 83  
	switch doesn't allow fall-throughs, requires "breaksw"
csh/sh.glob.c--bin      Christopher A Kent < c...@arthur.ARPA>   17 Oct 83   +FIX
	glob expansion fails on non-standard histchars
ctags--ucb		      steveg@ucbic (Steve Greenberg)   18 Oct 83  
	meta-characters are not escaped
ctype.h(3)--man		      sjk@SRIJOYCE (Scott J. Kramer)   16 Jun 83   +FIX
	isprint inconsistency
curses--usr.lib				 decvax!popvax!neilr   15 May 84   +FIX
	coredumps on terminals with < 24 rows
curses--usr.lib			 mazama!stew (Stewart Levin)   29 Jun 84   +FIX
	requires stdin and stdout to be ttys
curses--usr.lib		root%wisc-spool.uw...@wisc-crys.ARPA   4 Apr 84    +FIX
	screen refresh bug on wide screens
curses/cr_tty.c--usr.lib	   cbosgd!mark (Mark Horton)   19 Jul 83   +FIX
	"tspace" too small for complex terminals
curses/termcap--usr.lib		      root%oregon-grad.csnet   1 Aug 84    +FIX
	libraries have conflicting _ospeed
dbx--ucb			      ucbvax!decwrl!goldberg   Jun 13 83  
	doesn't allow input of double precision numbers
dbx--ucb			      ucbvax!decwrl!goldberg   Jun 8 83   
	external definitions not recognised
dbx--ucb			    mazama!pete (Peter Mora)   13 Sep 84  
	has a bunch of bugs when used for fortran
dbx--ucb			      ucbvax!decwrl!goldberg   Jun 17 83  
	missed breakpoint
dbx--ucb		    j...@ucbopal.CC (Jerry Berkman)   26 Sep 84  
	new dbx fails for f77 for arguments and common blocks
dbx--ucb			      ucbvax!decwrl!goldberg   Jun 4 83   
	should mark binaries busy
dbx--ucb			      ucbvax!decwrl!goldberg   Jun 27 83  
	thrashing apon exiting program with large data space
dbx/object.c--ucb		  sam@ucbmonet (Sam Leffler)   22 Oct 83   +FIX
	blows up with enumerated types
dbx/object.c--ucb			sdcsvax!sdchema!donn   8 Jun 84    +FIX
	can't access functions with declarations in blocks
dd.c--bin	       hpda!hpdsd!hpdsa!eric (Eric B. Wertz)   23 Mar 84   +FIX
	using same filename not noticed
df.c--bin			   Jeff Mogul < mogul@coyote>   1 Feb 84    +FIX
	offline disk kills df
dict/words--misc			    arnold@UCBINGRES   28 Apr 83   +FIX
	misspelled words
diff/diffdir.c--bin		     gray@ucbarpa (Bob Gray)   27 Jan 84   +FIX
	doesn't diff ".*" files
diff/diffdir.c--bin	      John Romine < jromine@uci-750b>   23 Aug 84   +FIX
	won't recursively diff in subdirectories
directory--man			     rlee@sri-spam (Ron Lee)   20 Jul 84   +FIX
	man page synopsis has bug
dmesg.c--etc				sdcsvax!sdchema!donn   29 Jan 84   +FIX
	the - flag does nothing without msgbuf file
dump--etc		  g...@UCBTOPAZ.CC (Genji Schmeder)   13 Oct 83  
	rmtopen return value inconsistent
dump--etc		     d...@ucbopal.CC (David L Wasley)   2 Mar 84    +FIX
	truncates the inode bitmap
dump/dump.h--etc	  g...@UCBTOPAZ.CC (Genji Schmeder)   9 Oct 83    +FIX
	return codes inconsistent
dump/dumpitime.c--etc			sdcsvax!sdchema!donn   27 Mar 84   +FIX
	bad tape estimate when files have holes
dump/dumpitime.c--etc		  sun!shannon (Bill Shannon)   12 Sep 83   +FIX
	message about level leaves out number
dump/dumpmain.c--etc   27 Mar 84   +FIX
	Incorrect default tape size for dumps to cartridge
dump/dumpmain.c--etc       g...@ucbopal.CC (Genji Schmeder)   26 Jul 84   +FIX
	allows dumping to filesystem being dumped
dump/dumpmain.c--etc		 root.Oregon-Grad@Rand-Relay   17 Aug 83   +FIX
	number of tapes poorly estimated
dump/dumpoptr.c--etc				 allegra!rdg   Jul 2 83    +FIX
	mishandles filesystem names prefixing filesystems
dump/dumptape.c--etc     Dave Johnson < ddj%Brown@UDel-Relay>   11 Oct 83   +FIX
	tape length poorly estimated
dump/dumptraverse.c--etc srra...@watmath.UUCP (sanjay Radia)   5 Oct 84    +FIX
	inode map can be invalid on busy system
ed--man			       Jay Lepreau < lepreau@utah-cs>   5 Apr 84    +FIX
	man pages claims an "n" flag which does not exist in code
efl--usr.bin		   Vincent Broman < broman%BUGS@Nosc>   16 Feb 84   +FIX
	using its own calloc, which doesn't work with stdio
error--ucb			 mazama!stew (Stewart Levin)   19 Jan 84  
	-t suffix touch list sometimes ignored
error/errorinput.c--ucb     j...@ucbopal.CC (Jerry Berkman)   17 Sep 84   +FIX
	doesn't understand f77's "no assembly" error
error/errormain.c--ucb		     felix!zemon (Art Zemon)   25 May 84   +FIX
	won't run without an attached terminal
error/errortouch.c--ucb     j...@ucbopal.CC (Jerry Berkman)   17 Sep 84  
	-n and -t options don't work without -q
ex--ucb			     ucsfcgl!blia!eric (Eric Allman)   16 Feb 84  
	.exrc "version" command gives duplicate version messages
ex--ucb			     hamachi@ucbkim (Gordon Hamachi)   19 Dec 83  
	vi: :f command doesn't update file permissions
ex--ucb (Raphael Finkel)   22 Mar 84  
	vi: doesn't understand system error 62 (symbolic link cycle)
ex--ucb					 leres (Craig Leres)   8 Dec 83   
	vi: interrupt message getting into text
ex--ucb						   ttang@Uci   Nov 1 83   
	vi: numbered commands (eg 100^B) can cause core dump
ex--ucb		      khalsa@ucbear (=Guruprem Singh Khalsa)   26 Jul 84  
	vi: won't always redraw the screen after a SIGCONT
ex/ex_vadj.c--ucb			 ihnp4!cmcl2!rna!dan   13 Apr 84   +FIX
	delete line won't work on vt100's with > 24 lines
ex/ex_vops2.c--ucb  sdcsvax!sdccsu3!madden@Nosc (Jim Madden)   2 Nov 83    +FIX
	vi: put mishandles wrapmargin
explain--bin				 egg...@ucsbcsl.UUCP   13 Jan 83   +FIX
	creates unneeded temp file, possibly in RO directory
expr(1)--bin      ariel!vax135!floyd!clyde!watmath!utzoo!bin   May 14 84   +FIX
	array bound bug
f77--usr.bin				sdcsvax!sdchema!donn   31 May 84   +FIX
	(really obscure) bug with CHARACTER*1 comparisons
f77--usr.lib		     d...@ucbopal.CC (David L Wasley)   7 Jun 84    +FIX
	I/O hangs with some illegal formats
f77--usr.bin		m128a4@ucbbrahms (Matthew P. Wiener)   4 Oct 84   
	assigns with forward statement numbers fail at execution
f77--usr.bin				sdcsvax!sdchema!donn   27 Mar 84   +FIX
	bug in common subexpression elimination
f77--usr.bin				sdcsvax!sdchema!donn   2 Apr 84    +FIX
	bug in copy propagation causes constant exponents to break
f77--usr.bin		     d...@ucbopal.CC (David L Wasley)   6 Jun 84    +FIX
	driver specifies libs in the wrong order
f77--usr.bin		      astrovax!draine (Bruce Draine)   25 Feb 84  
	errors in complex arithmetic evaluations
f77--usr.bin				sdcsvax!sdchema!donn   28 May 84   +FIX
	exponentiation bug (f(x)**2 produces f(x)*f(x))
f77--usr.bin		   allegra!astrovax!gam (Gary Mamon)   19 Mar 84  
	exponentiation inside sum list done wrong
f77--usr.bin		    j...@ucbopal.CC (Jerry Berkman)   29 Feb 84  
	exponentiation problem
f77--usr.bin				sdcsvax!sdchema!donn   8 Jun 84    +FIX
	has problems when a DO loop variable is also a loop parameter
f77--usr.bin		    j...@ucbopal.CC (Jerry Berkman)   7 Dec 83   
	include file declarations cause unexplained compiler error
f77--usr.bin				sdcsvax!sdchema!donn   6 Apr 84    +FIX
	may crash when multiplying something by the constant 0
f77--usr.bin	      allegra!astrovax!trq (Thomas R. Quinn)   18 Mar 84  
	parameter values cause wrong expression evaluation
f77--usr.bin		    j...@ucbopal.CC (Jerry Berkman)   28 Feb 84  
	statment functions and arrays conflict
f77--usr.bin			 leres@ucbarpa (Craig Leres)   6 Nov 83   
	unexplained compiler error when using optimizer
f77/src/f2--usr.bin       ucsfcgl!ucsfcgl!gregc (Greg Couch)   3 Nov 83   
	unexplained optimizer infinite loop
f77/src/f77pass1/exec.c--usr.bin     sdcsvax!sdchema!donn ()   23 Nov 83   +FIX
	DO loop parameters lost
f77/src/f77pass1/regalloc.c--usr.bin sdcsvax!sdchema!donn ()   23 Nov 83   +FIX
	computed GOTO causes core dump
f77/src/f77pass1/regalloc.c--usr.bin    sdcsvax!sdchema!donn   23 Nov 83   +FIX
	optimizer adding redundant code
f77/src/f77pass1/regalloc.c--usr.bin    sdcsvax!sdchema!donn   27 Nov 83   +FIX
	registered reals not allowed
fed--ucb		     hpda!hpdsd!edmund (Ed Trujillo)   7 Mar 84   
	bad system call/core dump
find--usr.bin				 decvax!popvax!neilr   9 May 84    +FIX
	doesn't know about long names
find--man			  donn@utah-cs (Donn Seeley)   5 Oct 84    +FIX
	example in manual won't work with c-shell
find--usr.bin		  gillies@mit-comet (Donald Gillies)   13 Jun 84  
	won't work when searching above soft-linked directories
find.c--usr.bin		      sjk@sri-spam (Scott J. Kramer)   5 Dec 83    +FIX
	doesn't recognize sockets
fp/fpMain.l--ucb		baden@ucbmonet (Scott Baden)   9 Oct 83    +FIX
	incompatible system calls causing core dumps
fsck--etc     Dave Rosenthal < cmuitca!>   28 Sep 83   +FIX
	should remove sockets in preen mode
fsck.c--etc			chris@maryland (Chris Torek)   22 Oct 84   +FIX
	can core dump given a corrupted directory size
ftp--ucb			   Mike Muuss < mike@brl-vgr>   8 Sep 83   
	connections using wrong address
ftp--ucb				       jbn@FORD-WDL1   26 May 83  
	passive open doesn't follow consistent protocol
ftp--ucb  Chris Torek <>   2 Mar 84   
	remote cwd doesn't work
ftp/cmds.c--ucb			   Jeff Mogul < mogul@coyote>   20 Mar 84   +FIX
	globbed files not handled
ftp/getpass.c--ucb	  rws@mit-bold (Robert W. Scheifler)   31 Jan 84   +FIX
	password truncating to eight characters
ftpd.c--etc		Christopher A Kent < c...@Purdue.ARPA>   13 Jan 84   +FIX
	last logins log not updated in some cases
ftpd/ftpd.c--etc	Christopher A Kent < c...@Purdue.ARPA>   25 Mar 84   +FIX
	ftp doesn't work on multi-homed hosts
ftpd/ftpd.c--etc		   bloom@ucbcory (Jim Bloom)   20 Sep 83   +FIX
	null passwords security breach
getgroups.2--man	   Mike Braca < mjb%Brown@UDel-Relay>   27 Sep 83   +FIX
getgroups.2--man	       lepreau@utah-cs (Jay Lepreau)   27 Oct 83   +FIX
getitimer.2--man		  Chris Kent < kent@BERKELEY>   24 Jul 83   +FIX
	update needed
getrlimit.2--man	   Mike Braca < mjb%Brown@UDel-Relay>   3 Oct 83    +FIX
gettable.c--etc		 j...@ut-sally.ARPA (John Quarterman)   12 Feb 84   +FIX
	updating host table via version number
gettable.c--etc			   salkind@nyu (Lou Salkind)   17 Nov 83   +FIX
	using nicname instead of hostname
getty/subr.c--etc			 decvax!popvax!neilr   15 May 84   +FIX
	"ck" flag in gettytab ignored
groups.2--man					       ralph   23 Mar 83   +FIX
	reference to setgroup
h/ioctl.h--sys     < cmuitca!>   15 Jul 84   +FIX
	TIOCREMOTE defined wrong
h/un.h--sys		   spg...@ucbopal.CC (Greg Minshall)   31 Jan 84   +FIX
	bind passing wrong-sized structure
h/{}.h--sys		    ihnp4!ihesa!bob (Bob Van Valzah)   18 Jul 84   +FIX
	kernel can't handle group/user ids greater than 32767
ideas--sys (Raphael Finkel)   22 May 84  
	for crash recovery
ifconfig.c--etc				 sun!pugs (Tom Lyon)   1 Nov 83    +FIX
	arp flag, flags trashed after hostname
ifconfig.c--etc		       lepreau@utah-cs (Jay Lepreau)   5 Nov 83    +FIX
	arp flag, flags trashed after hostname, update
init.c--etc				allegra!astrovax!wls   Jun 25 83   +FIX
	race condition for HUP signal and simultaneous logout
init.c--etc		      Richard Johnson < raj@uci-750a>   9 Aug 84    +FIX
	small bug can produce bogus "failing: sleeping" message
ioinit(3F)--usr.lib    gvax.b...@Cornell.ARPA (Bill Nesheim)   25 Jun 84   +FIX
	doesn't work
iostat--usr.bin				     George R. Cross   6 May 84   
	reports negative percentages
iostat.c--usr.bin		 mazama!stew (Stewart Levin)   22 Mar 84   +FIX
	doesn't see external/internal clock speed differences
last.c--ucb		      Jay Lepreau  < lepreau@utah-cs>   25 Nov 83   +FIX
	remote last doesn't flush message apon quit
lastcomm.c--ucb					   sun!Jskud   29 Nov 83   +FIX
	uses whole blocks, can miss recent commands
ld--bin		decvax!ubc-vision!sfucmpt!kurn (Andrew Kurn)   28 Feb 84   +FIX
	load map doesn't include files that only define storage
learn--bin		  wjcheng@ucbernie (Wunjei J. Cheng)   18 Dec 83  
	can't specify user directory or subject
learn/copy.c--usr.bin			 ihnp4!cmcl2!rna!dan   18 Feb 84   +FIX
	^D causes infinite loop / Init not executable
leave.c--ucb	      Support Group (agent: Richard Johnson)   31 Jul 84   +FIX
	invoking by "leave +n" will not print last message
lex--usr.bin			      joe@fluke (Joe Kelsey)   14 Aug 84   +FIX
	long line bug
lex--usr.bin			 mazama!stew (Stewart Levin)   2 Feb 84    +FIX
	manual gives wrong meaning for . inside []
lib.b--usr.lib		   Mike Braca < mjb%Brown@UDel-Relay>   27 Sep 83   +FIX
	scripts invoking (by non-specifying) the wrong shell
libI77--usr.lib		    Pisces Development < pisces@Fuji>   1 Oct 84   
	E and D formats print wrong
libI77--lib		     d...@ucbopal.CC (David L Wasley)   6 Jun 84    +FIX
	fortran routine in wrong library
libI77/err.c--usr.lib       d...@ucbopal.CC (David L. Wasley)   28 Oct 83   +FIX
	fortran programs won't dump core
libI77/ioinit.f--usr.lib		sdcsvax!sdchema!donn   23 Feb 84   +FIX
	uses a run-time library not available to it
libI77/sfe.c--usr.lib       d...@ucbopal.CC (David L. Wasley)   30 Oct 83   +FIX
	x format returns error on short input lines
lib[FU]77/signal_.c--usr.lib     quarles@ucbic (Tom Quarles)   13 Oct 83   +FIX
	fortran signal not compatible with 4.2
libc/gen/alarm.c--lib		  sun!shannon (Bill Shannon)   21 Mar 84   +FIX
	alarm can truncate pending alarms
libc/gen/crypt.c--lib			cooper (Eric Cooper)   9 Oct 83    +FIX
	crypt routines for DES doesn't work
libc/gen/crypt.c--lib	     amd!nsc!chongo (Landon C. Noll)   22 Sep 84   +FIX
	crypt routines, another fix
libc/gen/ctime.c--lib     solomon@wisc-crys (Marvin Solomon)   4 Jan 84    +FIX
	ctime(0) produces garbage
libc/gen/ctime.c--lib      ECN.d...@Purdue.ARPA (Dave Curry)   25 Aug 84   +FIX
	won't work for years after 1999
libc/gen/ctype_.c--lib	       hpda!hpdsa!decot (Dave Decot)   4 Sep 84    +FIX
	iscntrl() doesn't think HT is a control character
libc/gen/execvp.c--lib		  donn@utah-cs (Donn Seeley)   16 Oct 84   +FIX
	uses '-' as a path delimiter
libc/gen/frexp.c--lib		 Jeff Mogul < mogul@Gregorio>   16 Aug 84   +FIX
	frexp() returns unexpected value and hangs on zero input
libc/gen/frexp.c--lib	      Mike Muuss < m...@BRL-VGR.ARPA>   22 Aug 84   +FIX
	frexp() speedup for VAXen
libc/gen/getwd.c--lib      Mike Braca < mjb%Brown@UDel-Relay>   27 Sep 83   +FIX
	getwd doesn't follow symbolic links
libc/gen/malloc.c--lib	       lepreau@utah-cs (Jay Lepreau)   9 Nov 83    +FIX
	bug with RCHECK in realloc
libc/gen/mktemp.c--lib      Keith Bostic < k...@seismo.ARPA>   25 Sep 84   +FIX
	only produces 26 filenames, then fails
libc/gen/popen.c--lib		 dlw@ucbmonet (David Wasley)   12 Aug 83   +FIX
	closes good file descriptors
libc/gen/random.c--lib      j...@ucbopal.CC (Jerry Berkman)   13 Sep 84  
	srandom(1) doesn't always reinitialize random()
libc/gen/scandir.c--lib	       Jay Lepreau < lepreau@utah-cs>   29 Nov 83   +FIX
	repeatedly (needlessly) calls realloc
libc/gen/sleep.c--lib		   pur-ee!ef:ks (Kirk Smith)   27 Aug 84   +FIX
	SIGALM remains blocked after call to sleep
libc/gen/syslog.c--lib	      Marshall Rose < mrose@uci-750a>   18 Jan 84   +FIX
	format string with % escapes doesn't work
libc/gen/ttyslot.c--lib			 watcgl!dmmartindale   28 Mar 84   +FIX
	ttyslot() unnecessarily slow, not using stdio
libc/stdio/fopen.c--lib		      ralph (Ralph Campbell)   25 May 83   +FIX
	full file table handled wrong
libc/stdio/fputs.c--lib    Mike Braca < mjb%Brown@UDel-Relay>   27 Sep 83   +FIX
	given zero length string returns garbage
libc/vax/gen/bcopy.s--lib      lepreau@utah-cs (Jay Lepreau)   7 Sep 83    +FIX
	comment in source file wrong/misleading
libc/vax/gen/ffs.s--lib		  donn@utah-cs (Donn Seeley)   17 Sep 84   +FIX
	return value wrong with argument == 0
libdbm/Makefile--usr.lib      sjk@sri-spam (Scott J. Kramer)   11 Nov 83   +FIX
	doesn't use -c option to compile libdbm.a
libplot--usr.lib		  sun!shannon (Bill Shannon)   5 Sep 83    +FIX
	library terminal names inconsistent with filters
lint--usr.bin					 allegra!rdg   Jul 4 83   
	(-h) doesn't detect constant assignments in conditional
lint--usr.bin				   ellis @ tektronix   Jun 20 83   +FIX
	command-line options mishandled
lint--usr.bin			 mazama!stew (Stewart Levin)   29 Apr 84  
	confused by static declarations in #include files
lint--usr.bin				   ellis @ tektronix   Jun 20 83   +FIX
	error in option evaluation
lint/llib-lc--usr.bin	     ucsfcgl!blia!eric (Eric Allman)   9 Feb 84    +FIX
	longjmp declared wrong in library
lisp--ucb			       Dove < dove@sylvester>   25 Feb 84  
	can get into endless loop in macro expansion
lisp--ucb				  j...@FORD-WDL1.ARPA   1 Mar 84   
	in maclisp there are two DEFCONSTs defined differently
lisp/Makefile--ucb   21 Aug 84   +FIX
	doesn't make current version
lisp/Makefile--ucb	       lepreau@utah-cs (Jay Lepreau)   14 Nov 83   +FIX
	doesn't pass on MFLAGS
lisp/franz--ucb				  j...@FORD-WDL1.ARPA   6 Mar 84   
	mis-handles atom names starting with digits
lisp/franz/lam7.c--ucb       pur-ee!malcolm (Malcolm Slaney)   18 Jan 84   +FIX
	doesn't close pipes for child processes
lisp/franz/vax--ucb		   salkind@nyu (Lou Salkind)   9 Dec 83    +FIX
	rawhlist won't compile
lock.c--ucb		     hpda!hpdsd!edmund (Ed Trujillo)   7 Mar 84    +FIX
	typing ^D puts it into infinite loop
login.c--bin				    m...@cbosgd.UUCP   6 Jan 83    +FIX
	argument to ioctl is wrong type
lpr--usr.lib			   hipl!msl@nyu (Mike Landy)   12 Apr 84  
	-l flag does not work
lpr--usr.lib			  sun!shannon (Bill Shannon)   19 Dec 83  
	host names not preserved between gateways
lpr/printjob.c--usr.lib		   jeff@fluke (Jeff Stearns)   22 Oct 84   +FIX
	doesn't reset indent after an indented job
lpr/printjob.c--usr.lib		      root%oregon-grad.csnet   1 Sep 84    +FIX
	doesn't use "new" tty discipline for local mode bits
lpr/printjob.c--usr.lib		    dagobah!efo (Eben Ostby)   17 Nov 83   +FIX
	information fields too small, cause lpd coredump
lprm--usr.lib			   salkind@nyu (Lou Salkind)   30 May 84   +FIX
	can fail on local removes
lprm--usr.lib			Tim Morgan < morgan@uci-750a>   6 Aug 84    +FIX
	cannot restart printer daemon
ls.c--bin		    d...@ucbopal.CC (David L. Wasley)   22 Nov 83   +FIX
	speed-up of user name searching
ls.c--bin					   sun!Jskud   21 Nov 83   +FIX
	symbolic links and -F and -l not combined well
ls.c--bin			chris@maryland (Chris Torek)   2 Oct 84    +FIX
	field width for inode numbers is too small
lseek.2--man			  donn@utah-cs (Donn Seeley)   23 Sep 84   +FIX
	documentation of lseek is incomplete
mail--bin	   s...@ut-sally.ARPA (Smoot Carl-Mitchell)   27 Mar 84   +FIX
	(ucb/Mail) mail doesn't use file locking
mail--ucb (Raphael Finkel)   10 Oct 84  
	'at' gets replaced by '@' n subject line
mail--ucb				      mayo@UCBCALDER   7 Aug 83   
	replies change address `user@system' to `system:user'
mail.c--bin					 cbosgd!mark   Jun 4 83    +FIX
	race condition in writing mail file
mail/cmd3.c--ucb   s...@ut-sally.ARPA (Smoot Carl-Mitchell)   27 Jan 84   +FIX
	replies figured out wrong
make--bin   18 Jul 84   +FIX
	default suffix list not as described
make--bin			 quarles@ucbic (Tom Quarles)   19 Mar 84   +FIX
	loses file descriptors for large programs
makefile--sys					 allegra!rdg   Jul 19 83  
	#ifdefs missed when "depend" makes dependancy list
makefile--sys       Chris Kent < decwrl!kent%Shasta@SU-Score>   18 Jul 83  
	won't correctly build bootrl
man.c--ucb	   s...@ut-sally.ARPA (Smoot Carl-Mitchell)   15 Dec 83   +FIX
	improved searching of local man directories
man.c--ucb				   c...@ut-ngp.ARPA   2 Feb 84    +FIX
	mishandling of job control (leaving phantom processes)
man.c--ucb		    d...@ucbopal.CC (David L. Wasley)   1 Feb 84    +FIX
	not using cat file for non-ttys / messy (-h) nroffing
mh--local				    cak (Chris Kent)   12 Aug 83  
	loses mail on full mailbox
mh/cmds/prompter.c--new   rws@mit-bold (Robert W. Scheifler)   21 Nov 83   +FIX
	doesn't prompt for To, Cc, and Subject
mh/cmds/replsubs.c--new       sjk@sri-spam (Scott J. Kramer)   15 Dec 83   +FIX
	puts spaces around `@'
mip/match.c--lib   6 May 84    +FIX
	C compiler can blow up on 4-byte records
mip/pftn.c--lib     sdcsvax!sdcc3!steve@Nosc (steve serocki)   4 Sep 84    +FIX
	declaring non-existant arguments gives odd compiler error
mip/pftn.c--lib     sdcsvax!sdcc3!steve@Nosc (steve serocki)   4 Sep 84    +FIX
	static function arguments cause C compiler error
mip/trees.c--lib		  donn@utah-cs (Donn Seeley)   27 Aug 84   +FIX
	C compiler can't handle some constant expressions
mkfs--man		       Jay Lepreau < lepreau@utah-cs>   10 Jul 84   +FIX
	man page doesn't mention nbpi option
more.c--ucb		    d...@ucbopal.CC (David L. Wasley)   31 Jan 84   +FIX
	glitches on terminals with funny "standout mode"
more.c--ucb   3 Aug 84    +FIX
	large termcap entries can cause problems
more/more.c--ucb		Tim Morgan < morgan@uci-750a>   28 Aug 84   +FIX
	array allocated on stack getting overwritten
more/more.c--ucb	      decwrl!qubix!msc (Mark Callow)   11 Jul 84   +FIX
	underlining doesn't work on terminals like tvi925s
msgs.c--ucb			   sam@ucbarpa (Sam Leffler)   2 Sep 83   
	msgs -p can be killed by more
mt.c--bin		  g...@UCBTOPAZ.CC (Genji Schmeder)   30 Sep 83   +FIX
	given no operation, it writes a tapemark
net/if.c--sys		   Mike Braca < mjb%Brown@UDel-Relay>   27 Sep 83   +FIX
	in ubareset network drivers called with wrong # of args
net/raw_usrreq.c--sys     rws@mit-bold (Robert W. Scheifler)   21 Mar 84   +FIX
	when freeing a route, doesn't zero pointer
net/route.c--sys	  rws@mit-bold (Robert W. Scheifler)   22 Nov 83   +FIX
	redirects are treated as the wrong type
netinet/if_ether.c--sys Christopher A Kent < c...@Purdue.ARPA>   8 Jan 84    +FIX
	can't force local ethernet traffic to wire
netinet/if_ether.c--sys		   salkind@nyu (Lou Salkind)   2 Dec 83    +FIX
	packet length wrong
netinet/if_ether.c--sys		 sun!rusty (Russel Sandberg)   2 Apr 84    +FIX
	panic on broadcasting ICMP ECHO packet to large ethernet
netinet/in_pcb.c--sys		watmath!arwhite (Alex White)   17 Feb 84  
	freeing a free socket
netinet/ip.h--sys		     orca!dougg (Doug Grote)   27 Oct 83   +FIX
	definitions don't meet IP specifications
netinet/ip_icmp.c--sys		   Jeff Mogul < mogul@coyote>   27 Feb 84   +FIX
	fragmented packet causes dangling pointer
netinet/ip_icmp.c--sys    rws@mit-bold (Robert W. Scheifler)   1 Dec 83    +FIX
	look for headers in multiple mbufs (fragmented packet, see sys/109)
netinet/ip_icmp.c--sys     Michael John Muuss < mike@brl-vgr>   14 Dec 83   +FIX
	ping packets lost - wrong format ID field
netinet/ip_output.c--sys    Bill Croft < croft%Safe@SU-Score>   27 Oct 83   +FIX
	not working on manual route
netinet/ip_output.c,net/route.c--sys		 Paul Kirton   5 Dec 83    +FIX
	changes in route table not noticed
netinet/raw_ip.c--sys				 lwa@MIT-CSR   30 Nov 83   +FIX
	large packets get rejected for raw internet
netinet/tcp_input.c--sys  rws@mit-bold (Robert W. Scheifler)   7 Nov 83    +FIX
	code change - not a bug
netinet/tcp_input.c--sys j...@ut-sally.ARPA (John Quarterman)   10 Dec 83   +FIX
	connections hang in FIN_WAIT_2 from TOPS-20 connections
netinet/tcp_input.c--sys   spg...@ucbopal.CC (Greg Minshall)   9 Feb 84    +FIX
	connections hang in FIN_WAIT_2 upon disconnect
netinet/tcp_input.c--sys      Mike Muuss < m...@BRL-VGR.ARPA>   12 Oct 84   +FIX
	maximum segment size calculations wrong
netinet/tcp_output.c--sys rws@mit-bold (Robert W. Scheifler)   7 Nov 83    +FIX
	code change - not a bug
netinet/tcp_subr.c--sys Christopher A Kent < c...@PURDUE.ARPA>   2 Dec 83    +FIX
	maximum segment default set wrong
netinet/tcp_{input,output,subr}.c--sys    Christopher A Kent   21 Mar 84   +FIX
	max seg size calculations wrong
netinet/tcp_{input,output,subr}.c--sys     gilligan@sri-spam   7 Dec 83    +FIX
	max seg size calculations wrong
netinet/udp_usrreq.c--sys rws@mit-bold (Robert W. Scheifler)   22 Nov 83   +FIX
	UDP checksums not used/don't work
netinet/udp_usrreq.c--sys		      Dave Rosenthal   5 Apr 84    +FIX
	bad UDP checksum in implied header
netser/misc/rexecd.c--ucb	 root.Oregon-Grad@Rand-Relay   17 Aug 83   +FIX
	TERM not set in passed environment
netser/rwho/{ruptime.c,rwho.c,rwhod.c}--ucb      ogcvax!root   Sep 8 83   
	integers not in network byte order
netser/rwho/{ruptime.c,rwho.c}--ucb    ogcvax!root.tektronix   Sep 19 83  
	handling argv, passes 0 string pointer to strcmp
newfs.c--etc				mtxinu!ed (Ed Gould)   17 Apr 84   +FIX
	doesn't pass on error status returned by mkfs
nroff--usr.bin		       alex@cca-unix (Alexis Layton)   4 May 84    +FIX
	sometimes trashes current directory permissions
nroff/n1.c,n4.c--usr.bin		 s...@ut-sally.ARPA   9 Jan 84    +FIX
	additions/changes for mm macro compatibility
pascal--ucb			serge@ucbcory (Serge Granik)   14 Nov 83  
	pascal compiler vs. interpreter inconsistency
pascal/pi--ucb			   emory!km (Ken Mandelberg)   3 Feb 84   
	real reads create "bad address" error from pix
pascal/pxp/rval.c--ucb		   Jeff Mogul < mogul@coyote>   28 Mar 84   +FIX
	pretty-printer removes necessary parentheses
pascal/src/hash.c--ucb		   Jeff Mogul < mogul@Coyote>   6 Apr 84    +FIX
	won't accept mixed-case keywords
pascal/utilities/config.c--ucb	       ogcvax!root.tektronix   Oct 7 83   
	linked to non-existent file
pascal/utilities/pc.c--ucb		   raphael@wisc-crys   14 Feb 84  
	request for debugging feature
pc--ucb			weemba@ucbbrahms (Matthew P. Wiener)   8 Sep 84   
	#include files found in current, not source's directory
pc--usr.lib (Michael Scott)   28 May 84   +FIX
	function "remove" doesn't work for blank-padded string variables
pcc--lib		       e...@harvard.ARPA (Marc Elvy)   3 Jul 84   
	C compiler puts "asm" code in wrong spot after an "if"
pcc/table.c--lib		   Jeff Mogul < mogul@coyote>   2 Apr 84    +FIX
	C compiler gets wrong results on floating comparisons
pr--bin			 Kevin C Smallwood < k...@Purdue.ARPA>   6 Jul 84    +FIX
	-t flag doesn't work			   cbosgd!mark (Mark Horton)   1 Jul 83   
	in large case, lpr tries to create filenames with non-ascii characters
prof.c--usr.bin			      ralph (Ralph Campbell)   25 Apr 83   +FIX
	ignores the -z option when generating plot
ps.c--bin		   g...@ucbopal.CC (Genji Schmeder)   15 Oct 84   +FIX
	produces "tty table overflow" on large /dev directory
pstat.c--etc			chris@maryland (Chris Torek)   14 Sep 84  
	won't work on systems without ptys
pstat.c,ps.c--etc		watmath!arwhite (Alex White)   17 Feb 84   +FIX
	-k option doesn't work with address translation
putc--usr.lib		      ralph@ucbarpa (Ralph Campbell)   31 Jul 84  
	doesn't return EOF if file is open for reading
pxp--ucb				  jacques (05006000)   8 May 84   
	removes argument declarations from a function with itself as argument
rcp--ucb				      mayo@UCBCALDER   10 Aug 83  
	`protocol screwup' message appears using globbed files
rcp.c--ucb		  rws@mit-bold (Robert W. Scheifler)   3 Jan 84    +FIX
	3rd party copies don't follow expected equivalence
rcp.c--ucb		       mlgray@ucbcory (Mary L. Gray)   11 Feb 84   +FIX
	creates file in / when user doesn't have permissions
rcs/{ci.c,rcsgen.c}--new       lepreau@utah-cs (Jay Lepreau)   19 Oct 83   +FIX
	trying to ci multiple files fails on second log message
reboot.8--man			   cbosgd!mark (Mark Horton)   19 Jun 83  
	no mention of front panel switch settings on 750s
refer--usr.bin       sdcsvax!sdccsu3!cons@Nosc (Consultants)   11 Jul 84   +FIX
	- incorrect citation labels
refer--usr.bin   29 May 84   +FIX
	bug when handling duplicate references
refer--usr.bin		       mls@wisc-crys (Michael Scott)   17 Jan 84   +FIX
	footnotes sorted wrong on duplicate entries of a reference
refer--usr.bin			 mazama!stew (Stewart Levin)   11 Feb 84   +FIX
	interpolated signals make non-ascii suffix characters
refer--usr.bin				     George R. Cross   5 Jul 84   
	not reliable if bibliography not in same directory
refer--usr.bin		       mls@wisc-crys (Michael Scott)   17 Jan 84   +FIX
	sorting by author ignores %Q field
refer/addbib.c--usr.bin		   salkind@nyu (Lou Salkind)   17 Nov 83   +FIX
	^D after abstract causes infinite loop
renice--man		     ouster@ucbkim (John Ousterhout)   11 Sep 83   +FIX
	arguments list switched
restor--etc				b...@Rochester.ARPA   5 Jul 83    +FIX
	if tape has inconsistent file length, restore can't read it
restor/restor.c--etc	    ogcvax!root.tektronix@Rand-Relay   Oct 7 83   
	using t and s option causes file extraction
restore--etc		     d...@ucbopal.CC (David L Wasley)   1 Mar 84    +FIX
	incorrectly infers number of inodes
restore/restore.c--etc     mckusick@ucbmonet (Kirk Mckusick)   22 Mar 84   +FIX
	multi-reel sometimes loses list of files
restore/tape.c--etc	    mckusick@ucbarpa (Kirk Mckusick)   7 Jan 84    +FIX
	restarting using R option causes core dump
rexec--etc				  j...@FORD-WDL1.ARPA   10 Aug 84   +FIX
	bad choice for service port number
rexecd--etc		       ucsfcgl!conrad (Conrad Huang)   28 Aug 84   +FIX
	closes off stdin - programs can't use it.
rlogin--ucb			 ucscc!ucscc!root (00050000)   16 Jan 84  
	hangup while rlogged in doesn't kill login
rlogind.c--etc		      watrose!srradia (sanjay Radia)   24 Nov 83   +FIX
	wrong byte order conversionroutine used
rogue--games (Brian Pinkerton)   26 Apr 84  
	arbitrarily saves games and messes up inventories
rogue--games		    Support Group (agent: Tinh Tang)   17 May 84  
	bug in internal linked list
rogue--games			 bdh@cit-750 (Brian D. Horn)   3 Jul 84   
	inventory control problem
rogue--games  mazama!paul (Paul Fowler) < mazama!paul@Shasta>   22 Mar 84  
	various problems drop user into shell
routed/startup.c--etc	      John Romine < jromine@uci-750a>   19 Apr 84   +FIX
	flag bits set wrong, drops routing entries
rsh.c--etc		       Jeff Schwab < j...@Purdue.ARPA>   25 May 84   +FIX
	group membership lost on rsh if equal to rsh's group
ruptime.c--ucb		   g...@ucbopal.CC (Genji Schmeder)   14 Nov 83  
	code for working directory is misleading
rwhod/rwhod.c--etc       j...@ut-sally.ARPA (John Quarterman)   6 Dec 83    +FIX
	can't use dashes in host-name
rwhod/rwhod.c--etc		   salkind@nyu (Lou Salkind)   6 Mar 84    +FIX
	datagram packets not sent over point-to-point line
rwhod/rwhod.c--etc			    d...@BRL-VGR.ARPA   4 Jul 84    +FIX
	efficiency fix for nlists of kernel
sa.c--etc			    munnari@kre (Robert Elz)   14 Oct 83  
	-u option produces rubbish, as does AFORKed commands
sa.c--etc			    dagobah!efo (Eben Ostby)   7 Dec 83   
	truncating times to seconds loses valuable information
sail--man George R. Cross <>   11 Apr 84  
	man page missing
savecore--man		    ihnp4!ihesa!bob (Bob Van Valzah)   21 Jun 84   +FIX
	man page missing some information
savecore.c--etc			 Jeff Mogul < mogul@Gregorio>   20 Jun 84   +FIX
	alternate system image can't always be used
script.c--ucb			 mazama!stew (Stewart Levin)   15 Feb 84  
	(pseudo tty driver?) not handling ^S/^Q handshake
script.c--ucb		    d...@ucbopal.CC (David L. Wasley)   22 Nov 83   +FIX
	doesn't support parity, RETURNS not stripped
sed--bin (Raphael Finkel)   29 Jun 84  
	suggestions for improvement
see--ucb	    ogcvax!r...@teklabs.UUCP (Bruce Jerrick)   27 Apr 83   +FIX
	not invoking correct shell
select,getitimer,setitimer--man    cbosgd!mark (Mark Horton)   24 Aug 83   +FIX
	should reference each other
sendbug--ucb			 mazama!stew (Stewart Levin)   9 Feb 84   
	no `clean' entry in makefile
sendbug/bugfiler.c--ucb       sjk@sri-spam (Scott J. Kramer)   7 Dec 83   
	won't accept 3 arguments
sendbug/		       hpda!hpdsd!hpdsa!eric   22 Mar 84   +FIX
	doesn't interrogate editor shell variable
sendmail--lib			mcgeer@ucbdali (Rick Mcgeer)   24 Jul 84  
	changes spaces in addresses to periods
sendmail--usr.lib		      root@BERKELEY (Fluke )   5 Dec 83    +FIX
	concurrent alias database updating produces garbage
sendmail--usr.lib		 mazama!stew (Stewart Levin)   11 Jan 84  
	duplicate copies of source make changes difficult
sendmail--usr.lib	     r...@ucbopal.CC ( l'Innommable )   2 May 84    +FIX
	identifier clash
sendmail--usr.lib	     r...@ucbopal.CC ( l'Innommable )   2 May 84    +FIX
	missing subroutine "bmove"
sendmail--usr.lib	     r...@ucbopal.CC ( l'Innommable )   2 May 84    +FIX
	missing subroutine "clear"
sendmail--usr.lib    Liudvikas Bukys  <>   6 Jun 84    +FIX
	myhostname problems
sendmail--usr.lib	       Jay Lepreau < lepreau@utah-cs>   30 Jun 84  
	problem with escaping "From..." lines
sendmail--usr.lib		    Yoon Kim < kaist!yoonkim>   13 Feb 84  
	segmentation fault apon using any option
sendmail--usr.lib		   Web Dove < dove@sylvester>   29 Jul 84  
	smtp doesn't accept [a.b.c.d] sender format
sendmail/aux/syslog.c--usr.lib		decvax!dartlib!steve   30 Nov 83  
	time mark only generated with -d option
sendmail/src/alias.c--usr.lib       Tim Mann < mann@Gregorio>   4 Oct 84    +FIX
	"database out of date" messages go out to SMTP sites
sendmail/src/collect.c--usr.lib    salkind@nyu (Lou Salkind)   22 Nov 83   +FIX
	EOF before newline causes infinite loop
sendmail/src/collect.c--usr.lib			Bill Nowicki   12 Mar 84   +FIX
	returns message each time TCP times-out
sendmail/src/collect.c--usr.lib		      stanonik@nprdc   2 Oct 84    +FIX
	tcp reset causes infinite loop
sendmail/src/conf.c--usr.lib r...@ucbopal.CC ( l'Innommable )   20 Mar 84   +FIX
	frozen config file values QueueLA and RefuseLA ignored
sendmail/src/parseaddr.c--usr.lib	  pur-ee!Physics:crl   24 Feb 84   +FIX
	some debug output is always produced
sendmail/src/srvrsmtp.c--usr.lib	      Larry Peterson   12 Dec 83   +FIX
	alias references filing for same machine
sendmail/src/srvrsmtp.c--usr.lib	  pur-ee!Physics:crl   24 Feb 84   +FIX
	variable "WizWord" #ifdef'd out
sendmail/src/{deliver,srvrsmtp}.c--usr.lib     root@BERKELEY   5 Dec 83    +FIX
	dropping mail from Berknet
sendmail:--usr.lib   Liudvikas Bukys  <>   8 Jun 84    +FIX
	can't define more than 1 macro from command line
setreuid--man		    Spencer Thomas  < thomas@utah-cs>   22 Jan 84   +FIX
	who can change ID of process stated wrong
sh--bin				   cbosgd!mark (Mark Horton)   9 Aug 84   
	out of date
sh--bin						    jdb@s1-c   12 Mar 84  
	setuid root shell scripts can give root shell to anyone
signals--sys				      mayo@ucbrenoir   2 Feb 84   
	ioctl calls hang after receiving SIGCONT
sigpause--man      ssc-vax!jeff@lbl-csam (Jeffrey Jongeward)   20 Jun 84   +FIX
	man page incorrectly specifies error return
sigvec.2--man		       lepreau@utah-cs (Jay Lepreau)   7 Nov 83   
	parameter description missing
socket.2--man			  Chris Kent < kent@BERKELEY>   10 Jun 83  
	missing documentation
stand/boot.c?--sys		  Chris Kent < kent@BERKELEY>   15 Jun 83   +FIX
	boot doesn't follow symbolic links
stand/hp.c--sys			  mazama!thor (Jeff Thorson)   10 Mar 84   +FIX
	can't boot from eagle drive (on mba{123})
stand/hp.c--sys    ssc-vax!jeff@lbl-csam (Jeffrey Jongeward)   20 Jun 84   +FIX
	standalone programs using disk are not re-entrant
stdio.h--misc			      joe@fluke (Joe Kelsey)   26 Jul 84   +FIX
	sign-extension in putc can confuse errors
strings.c--ucb			   voder!jeff (Jeff Gilliam)   18 Oct 84   +FIX
	ignores first 32 bytes of data segment
struct--usr.bin			 mazama!stew (Stewart Levin)   12 Jan 84   +FIX
	doesn't work under csh
struct--usr.bin			    mazama!pete (Peter Mora)   13 Aug 84  
	kills lines below computed gotos and if else endif bug
su.1--man			jeff@BERKELEY (Jeff Stearns)   10 Dec 83  
	options not mentioned in manual
swapon.c--etc	       decvax!dartlib!steve (Steve Campbell)   28 Nov 83   +FIX
	error message calls printf wrong
sys--sys		   d...@UCBTOPAZ.CC (David L. Wasley)   4 Aug 83   
	interrupted open() wastes a file descriptor
sys--sys			 Doug Kingston < dpk@brl-vgr>   29 Sep 83  
	kernel doesn't clear exclusive open locks
sys--sys			   Jeff Mogul < mogul@navajo>   13 Dec 83  
	mysterious file disappearance from iput()
sys--sys				      mayo@ucbrenoir   2 Feb 84   
	signal calls mixed with ioctl calls cause process hang
sys(ipc)--sys   19 Jun 84  
	system crashes due to deadlocked socket use
sys/init_main.c--sys       Mike Braca < mjb%Brown@UDel-Relay>   3 Oct 83    +FIX
	stack size hard limit intiallized to wrong value
sys/kern_acct.c,etc/sa.c--sys      watrose!root (Alex White)   2 Dec 83    +FIX
	acct & sa don't use same time units
sys/kern_clock.c--sys			    trw-unix!gorlick   3 Jun 83    +FIX
	"getrusage" doesn't average clock ticks
sys/kern_clock.c--sys	       guest@ucbarpa (Guest Account)   19 Jun 84   +FIX
	redundant code in hardclock()
sys/kern_clock.c--sys		  Chris Kent < kent@BERKELEY>   9 Jun 83   
	undefined symbol "IUR" for VAX730 config
sys/kern_descrip.c--sys decvax!uthub!thomson (Brian Thomson)   13 Feb 84   +FIX
	closing closed files references unused inodes
sys/kern_descrip.c--sys		   salkind@nyu (Lou Salkind)   27 Jan 84   +FIX
	function fcntl returns wrong error number
sys/kern_exit.c--sys      rws@mit-bold (Robert W. Scheifler)   17 Nov 83  
	wait not checking for zero rusage pointer, not sending EFAULT
sys/kern_resource.c--sys   Mike Braca < mjb%Brown@UDel-Relay>   27 Sep 83   +FIX
	"unlimit" returns error
sys/kern_sig.c--sys		  sun!shannon (Bill Shannon)   5 Sep 83    +FIX
	"kill -0" returns wrong error code if uid is wrong
sys/kern_sig.c--sys		   Mike Muuss < mike@brl-vgr>   13 Jan 84   +FIX
	signal handling changes, 4.1-4.2, changed back
sys/kern_time.c--sys		   salkind@nyu (Lou Salkind)   10 Mar 84   +FIX
	time zone is ignored in settimeofday
sys/pty.c--sys		 Spencer W. Thomas  < thomas@utah-cs>   26 Jul 83   +FIX
	long writes to PTY controller can lose characters
sys/socket--sys  Spencer W. Thomas  < thomas%UTAH-GR@utah-cs>   16 Aug 83  
	write to pipe with bad buffer returns wrong error code
sys/sys_generic.c--sys				Marc Shapiro   26 Jul 84   +FIX
	arguments to select not declared consistently
sys/sys_generic.c--sys     Mike Braca < mjb%Brown@UDel-Relay>   3 Oct 83    +FIX
	exceeding file size - more extensive fix
sys/sys_generic.c--sys     Mike Braca < mjb%Brown@UDel-Relay>   3 Oct 83    +FIX
	exceeding file size produces wrong error number
sys/sys_generic.c--sys    rws@mit-bold (Robert W. Scheifler)   25 Feb 84   +FIX
	stopping program waiting in select messes up select
sys/sys_xxx.c--sys		   cbosgd!mark (Mark Horton)   29 Jul 83   +FIX
	bad accounting suspension condition calculation
sys/tty.c--sys		   Mike Braca < mjb%Brown@UDel-Relay>   27 Sep 83   +FIX
	^S and ^Q not working in TANDEM mode
sys/tty.c--sys				      davec@BERKELEY   19 Aug 83   +FIX
	scanc returns wrong value on non-Vaxen
sys/tty.c--sys			chris@maryland (Chris Torek)   2 Aug 84   
	select ignores proces groups
sys/tty.c--sys		   Michael John Muuss < mike@brl-vgr>   15 Dec 83   +FIX
	sign bit extension affects bits in TIOCLSET call
sys/tty.c,tty_subr.c,vaxuba/dz.c--sys	      koda@hobgoblin   22 Feb 84   +FIX
	3Com interface causing timing problems
sys/tty_pty.c--sys		decvax!mcvax!jim (Jim McKie)   6 Apr 84    +FIX
	EOF not sent with empty writes, nor recieved if process is in read
sys/tty_pty.c--sys		   Web Dove < dove@sylvester>   21 Feb 84  
	not expanding timing characters for remote links
sys/tty_pty.c--sys      decvax!uthub!thomson (Brian Thomson)   19 Jun 84   +FIX
	speedup to pty driver
sys/tty_tb.c--sys	       guest@ucbarpa (Guest Account)   19 Jun 84   +FIX
	tablet line discipline code is out of date
sys/tty_tb.c--sys		  dagobah!bill (Bill Reeves)   13 Sep 83   +FIX
	tablets keep "inuse" state after being closed
sys/ufs_alloc.c--sys		 decvax!jmcg (Jim McGinness)   6 Feb 84    +FIX
	cylinder group allocation bug causes hung system
sys/ufs_alloc.c--sys       mckusick@ucbmonet (Kirk Mckusick)   1 Oct 84    +FIX
	fragment allocation algorithm improvement
sys/ufs_mount.c--sys	       guest@ucbarpa (Guest Account)   19 Jun 84   +FIX
	corrupted superblock can cause crash
sys/ufs_mount.c--sys	       guest@ucbarpa (Guest Account)   19 Jun 84   +FIX
	mounting raw device hangs Unix
sys/ufs_namei.c--sys	       Jeff Schwab < j...@Purdue.ARPA>   25 May 84   +FIX
	rename needs check for sticky directories
sys/ufs_nami.c?--sys		  Chris Kent < kent@BERKELEY>   28 Jun 83  
	creat calls in uucp are failing
sys/ufs_syscalls.c--sys    mckusick@ucbmonet (Kirk Mckusick)   30 Jun 84   +FIX
	"freeing free inode" panic from race condition in rename
sys/ufs_syscalls.c--sys		watmath!arwhite (Alex White)   8 Feb 84    +FIX
	copen() call for FTRUNC doesn't check permissions
sys/ufs_syscalls.c--sys		 mazama!stew (Stewart Levin)   10 Jan 84   +FIX
	lseek returns wrong value, EINVAL
sys/ufs_syscalls.c--sys		 mazama!stew (Stewart Levin)   3 Sep 84   
	lseek() not checking for invalid offset
sys/ufs_tables.c--sys		   salkind@nyu (Lou Salkind)   22 May 84   +FIX
	inconsistency in #include vs. ufs_subr.c
sys/uipc_socket.c--sys		 sdcsvax!sdccsu3!madden@Nosc   7 Nov 83    +FIX
	infinite loop by killing socket with pending condition
sys/uipc_socket.c--sys     Mike Braca < mjb%Brown@UDel-Relay>   27 Sep 83   +FIX
	large writes to pipe causes panic
sys/uipc_socket.c--sys		 sun!rusty (Russel Sandberg)   2 Apr 84    +FIX
	zero length uipc packets are not sent
sys/uipc_socket2.c--sys   g...@UCBTOPAZ.CC (Genji Schmeder)   14 Oct 83  
	large network buffer causing "sbflush 2" panic
sys/uipc_syscalls.c--sys		      Dave Rosenthal   6 Jul 84    +FIX
	socketpair() returns wrong value
sys/uipc_usrreq.c--sys		      ralph (Ralph Campbell)   12 Sep 83   +FIX
	multiple file descriptors to "message" handled wrong
sys/uipc_usrreq.c--sys		watmath!arwhite (Alex White)   23 Jan 84   +FIX
	panic in mfree on recieving message with MSG_OOB set
sys/uipc_usrreq.c--sys		watmath!arwhite (Alex White)   20 Feb 84   +FIX
	running out of mbufs causes panic
sys/uipc_usrreq.c--sys     spg...@ucbopal.CC (Greg Minshall)   31 Jan 84  
	using connect() for data grams gives error
sys/various.c--sys		   kre@ucbmonet (Robert Elz)   21 Oct 83   +FIX
	fix for inode counts getting < 0
sys/vm_mem.c--sys	  rws@mit-bold (Robert W. Scheifler)   7 Nov 83    +FIX
	large partitions get block number sign-extended
sys/vm_mem.c(?)--sys		 bdh@cit-750 (Brian D. Horn)   29 Jun 84   +FIX
	can get "munhash" panic when using ptrace() (i.e. bdx)
sys/vm_swp.c--sys	       lwa@mit-mrclean (Larry Allen)   30 Oct 84   +FIX
	Scatter/gather I/O on raw disks doesn't work
sys/vmpage.c--sys		     allegra!princeton!astro   6 Jun 83    +FIX
	raw dma write from user area can hang system
sys/vmsched.c--sys       Spencer W. Thomas  < thomas@utah-cs>   4 Aug 83    +FIX
	vmtotal() computes memory usage wrong
sys_inode.c--sys		    dagobah!efo (Eben Ostby)   17 Nov 83  
	processes waiting for "flock" will hang if any is killed
syslog.c--lib		Christopher A Kent < c...@Purdue.ARPA>   11 Jan 84   +FIX
	syslog in C library not complete for datagrams
talk--local			    char@ucbkim (Bruce Char)   8 Sep 83   
	illegal instruction if callee doesn't respond
talk--ucb			     sun!dg (David Goldberg)   28 Apr 84   +FIX
	won't work between Sun's and Vaxen
talk.1--man		       jimbo@ucbmonet (Jim Kleckner)   17 Oct 83   +FIX
tar--bin			 mazama!stew (Stewart Levin)   25 Apr 84  
	b option not as advertized
tar--bin			    mckusick (Kirk Mckusick)   2 Sep 83   
	blindly continues after failing to open a directory
tar.c--bin		     ucbtopaz:genji (Genji Schmeder)   Sep 20 83   +FIX
	may ignore fact that directory is unreadable
tcp--sys				  j...@FORD-WDL1.ARPA   27 Jan 84  
	retransmits too often - not conforming to its specs
telnet.c--etc		  rws@mit-bold (Robert W. Scheifler)   17 Jan 84   +FIX
	"Are You There?" response to pty instead of network
telnet.c--ucb	     Liudvikas Bukys  <>   17 Jul 84   +FIX
	can't use flow control (XON/XOFF)
telnet.c--ucb					 lwa@MIT-CSR   23 Nov 83   +FIX
	not producing LF with CR
telnetd.c--etc		    Bill Croft < croft%Safe@SU-Score>   16 Nov 83   +FIX
	dropping bytes, putting tty in RAW, writes to closed files
telnetd.c--etc			 Jeff Mogul < mogul@Gregorio>   23 Jul 84   +FIX
	telnet can't use pseudo ports named ptyq*
termcap--etc		     Christopher A Kent < cak@purdue>   28 Mar 83   +FIX
	Adds entry not using scroll mode
termcap--etc			   cbosgd!mark (Mark Horton)   21 Sep 83   +FIX
	error in cs entry for vt100
termcap--etc			 mazama!stew (Stewart Levin)   12 Jan 84   +FIX
	gigi terminal not supported
termcap--etc			z@CCA-UNIX (Steve Zimmerman)   16 Dec 83  
	wrong Ann Arbor terminal tab initializing sequence
tftp/main.c--ucb		 Jeff Mogul < mogul@Gregorio>   18 Oct 84   +FIX
	interrupted transfer causes "longjump botch"
tftp/tftp.c--ucb		 Jeff Mogul < mogul@Gregorio>   18 Oct 84   +FIX
	lost packets are mishandled, kills connection
tftpd.c--etc			  sun!shannon (Bill Shannon)   7 Mar 84   
	doesn't check permissions on path to file
tiocflush--man			 ucsfcgl!tef (Thomas Ferrin)   31 May 84   +FIX
	man page incorrect about use of 3rd argument
tip--usr.bin			 mazama!stew (Stewart Levin)   18 Apr 84   +FIX
	can't read phones/remote files with 600 protection
tip--usr.bin		      decwrl!qubix!msc (Mark Callow)   11 Jul 84   +FIX
	only tries first dialer in list
tip.c--usr.bin		 ucsfcgl!ucsfcgl!tef (Thomas Ferrin)   3 Oct 83    +FIX
	doesn't detect loss of carrier
tip/cmds.c--usr.bin      ucsfcgl!ucsfcgl!tef (Thomas Ferrin)   3 Oct 83   
	FRAMSIZE > BUFSIZ causes core dump ~taking large file
tip/uucplock.c--usr.bin       decwrl!qubix!msc (Mark Callow)   11 Jul 84  
	can't unlock its own files after change in UID
tip/{hunt,log}.c--usr.bin	   salkind@nyu (Lou Salkind)   17 Nov 83   +FIX
	hangs if line can't be openned, misplaced #ifdef's
tmac/tmac.e--usr.lib			      Craig Stanfill   26 Jul 83   +FIX
	interference between .(x, .(z and .sh
tmac/tmac.s--usr.lib	      sjk@SRIJOYCE (Scott J. Kramer)   7 Jun 83    +FIX
	.DS macro not working
tmac/tmac.s--usr.lib		 mazama!stew (Stewart Levin)   24 Oct 84  
	QS and QE macros missing from -ms
tp--bin			      nbires!ward (Carol Ward x3020)   25 Jun 84   +FIX
	bombs when it has to alloc more memory
trek--games (Brian Pinkerton)   28 Mar 84   +FIX
	segmentation violation
tset/tset.c--ucb		   salkind@nyu (Lou Salkind)   22 May 84   +FIX
	illegal instruction caused by wrong pointer type
tset/tset.c--ucb	       lepreau@utah-cs (Jay Lepreau)   18 Nov 83   +FIX
	not using terminal type from rlogin due to mapping
tset/tset.c--ucb		z@cca-unix (Steve Zimmerman)   29 Apr 84   +FIX
	tab not being initialized in column zero
utimes.2--man				 teklabs!ogcvax!root   Jun 14 83   +FIX
	wrong include file listed
uucp--usr.bin		      decwrl!qubix!msc (Mark Callow)   30 Jun 84   +FIX
	excessive dialup failures
uucp/cico.c--usr.bin     ucsfcgl!ucsfcgl!tef (Thomas Ferrin)   3 Oct 83    +FIX
	uses old signal handling procedures
uucp/conn.c--usr.bin		    dagobah!efo (Eben Ostby)   22 Nov 83   +FIX
	if write fails, a loop of failing writes is created
uucp/conn.c--usr.bin		   salkind@nyu (Lou Salkind)   22 Nov 83   +FIX
	not able to transmit break for more than 1 second
uucp/uuencode.c--usr.bin    d...@ucbopal.CC (David L. Wasley)   22 Nov 83   +FIX
	mode of file from pipe is encoded as zero
uucp/uuxqt.c--usr.bin		   cbosgd!mark (Mark Horton)   30 Sep 84  
	many extra X. files can cause uuxqt to do nothing
vax/autoconf.c--sys			sdcsvax!sdchema!donn   8 Jun 84    +FIX
	doesn't detect overlapping CSRs or two devices at same CSR
vax/autoconf.c--sys	       guest@ucbarpa (Guest Account)   19 Jun 84  
	doesn't handle unibus devices that don't interrupt
vax/autoconf.c--sys		decvax!mcvax!jim (Jim McKie)   14 Feb 84   +FIX
	uses the number of physical UBAs instead of configuration
vax/flp.c--sys			watrose!arwhite (Alex White)   14 Dec 83   +FIX
	out-of-range sector request leaves busy bit set
vax/locore.s--sys	       guest@ucbarpa (Guest Account)   19 Jun 84   +FIX
	UBA malfuctions on 780 can unnecessarily crash Unix
vax/locore.s--sys		      joe@fluke (Joe Kelsey)   22 Jun 84   +FIX
	Unix won't recognize more than 8Mb of memory
vax/locore.s--sys	  rws@mit-bold (Robert W. Scheifler)   7 Nov 83    +FIX
	magic number in assembly code calculated wrong
vax/machdep.c--sys	     astrovax!wls (William L. Sebok)   5 Mar 84    +FIX
	a tbuf parity error causes unnecessary panic
vax/machdep.c--sys	  ECN....@Purdue.ARPA (George Goble)   26 Jul 84   +FIX
	a.out exec'd without checking resource limits
vax/machdep.c--sys	     astrovax!wls (William L. Sebok)   6 Mar 84    +FIX
	hard memory errors not detected/corrected
vax/machdep.c--sys	       guest@ucbarpa (Guest Account)   19 Jun 84   +FIX
	premature panic can destroy an hp root filesystem
vax/machdep.c--sys	       lepreau@utah-cs (Jay Lepreau)   21 Sep 84   +FIX
	null statement between if() and asm() is missing
vax/machdep.c--sys		   salkind@nyu (Lou Salkind)   1 Dec 83    +FIX
	system memory size not computed correctly
vax/sys_machdep.c--sys	       guest@ucbarpa (Guest Account)   19 Jun 84   +FIX
	resuba() not checking for negative arguments
vax/trap.c--sys		  rws@mit-bold (Robert W. Scheifler)   17 Nov 83   +FIX
	interrupting wait3() with sleeping parent hangs
vax/trap.c--sys		  rws@mit-bold (Robert W. Scheifler)   3 Jan 84   
	sigstack() is using wrong stack
vax/tu.c--sys		       guest@ucbarpa (Guest Account)   19 Jun 84  
	lint bugs in TU58 console cassette driver
vax/tu.c--sys		    Bill Croft < croft%Safe@SU-Score>   12 Oct 83  
	tu_restart() is calling timeout() with bad argument
vaxif/if_ec.c--sys	       guest@ucbarpa (Guest Account)   19 Jun 84   +FIX
	ecprobe() returns wrong value on success
vaxif/if_ec.c--sys		   Jeff Mogul < mogul@coyote>   13 Feb 84   +FIX
	loopback in 3Com ethernet driver doesn't work
vaxif/if_ec.c--sys	       guest@ucbarpa (Guest Account)   19 Jun 84   +FIX
	malfunctioning 3Com ethernet board can unnecessarily panic Unix
vaxif/if_en.c--sys		   Jeff Mogul < mogul@coyote>   27 Feb 84   +FIX
	byte-swapping done wrong on 3MB xerox ethernet driver
vaxif/if_il.c--sys	       Jay Lepreau < lepreau@utah-cs>   13 May 83   +FIX
	after ubareset, packets get a "bad type field"
vaxif/if_il.c--sys	       guest@ucbarpa (Guest Account)   18 Jun 84  
	malfunctioning Interlan ethernet board can hang Unix
vaxif/if_pcl.c--sys	       Jeff Schwab < j...@Purdue.ARPA>   25 May 84   +FIX
	timing problems when reinitialized
vaxif/if_uba.c--sys		   salkind@nyu (Lou Salkind)   13 Mar 84   +FIX
	2K packets won't get through network
vaxif/if_uba.c--sys	       Jeff Schwab < j...@Purdue.ARPA>   8 Aug 84    +FIX
	mishandled packets > 1024b and 0 hlen UPDATE
vaxif/if_uba.c--sys	       Jeff Schwab < j...@Purdue.ARPA>   25 May 84   +FIX
	mishandles packets > 1024b and interfaces with hlen==0
vaxif/if_vv.c--sys	  rws@mit-bold (Robert W. Scheifler)   22 Nov 83   +FIX
	V2LNI driver doesn't broadcast or loopback correctly
vaxmba/hp.c--sys		 Doug Kingston < dpk@brl-vgr>   29 Sep 83  
	RM05's are improperly auto-config'd
vaxmba/hp.c--sys		   Mike Muuss < mike@brl-vgr>   23 Aug 83   +FIX
	error in CDC 9775 partition table
vaxmba/hp.c--sys		     weltyrp%rpi@CSNet-Relay   5 Dec 83   
	rm03s and rm05s mis-identified
vaxmba/ht.c--sys	   d...@UCBTOPAZ.CC (David L. Wasley)   6 Aug 83    +FIX
	"UNS"afe flag being inadvertently set
vaxmba/mt.c--sys		 mazama!stew (Stewart Levin)   6 Jan 84   
	TU78 driver can't do reverse reads / EOT happens early
vaxmba/mt.c--sys		 Jeff Mogul < mogul@Gregorio>   17 Aug 84   +FIX
	TU78 driver can't do reverse reads: crashes Unix
vaxmba/mt.c--sys       decvax!dartvax!steve (Steve Campbell)   22 Feb 84  
	can't use two TM78 tape formatters
vaxmba/mt.c--sys	       guest@ucbarpa (Guest Account)   19 Jun 84   +FIX
	redundant code
vaxuba/d[hz].c--sys			    jbc < ut-ngp!jbc>   15 Jun 83   +FIX
	IOCCDTR ioctl call not checking permissions
vaxuba/dh.c--sys	       guest@ucbarpa (Guest Account)   19 Jun 84   +FIX
	dhparam() can exit at high IPL, losing interrupts
vaxuba/dh.c--sys		   salkind@nyu (Lou Salkind)   27 Jan 84   +FIX
	soft carrier flag and interrupt inadvertently clears carrier
vaxuba/dh.c--sys	     astrovax!wls (William L. Sebok)   5 Mar 84    +FIX
	soft carrier flag disables DTR
vaxuba/dmf.c--sys     lbl-csam!astrovax!matt (Matt Crawford)   2 Feb 84   
	dmfprobe() doesn't check for actual device
vaxuba/dmf.c--sys		Tim Morgan < morgan@uci-750a>   3 Oct 84    +FIX
	processes "select"ing on output don't get woken up
vaxuba/dmf.c--sys     lbl-csam!astrovax!matt (Matt Crawford)   17 Jan 84  
	undefined variables compiling with DMFDMA option
vaxuba/dz.c--sys		   koda@hobgoblin (Jim Koda)   22 Feb 84   +FIX
	dztimer lowers IPL causing panic
vaxuba/d{h,mf,z}.c--sys	       guest@ucbarpa (Guest Account)   19 Jun 84   +FIX
	ioctl of TIOCLSET not propogated to device
vaxuba/idc.c--sys	       guest@ucbarpa (Guest Account)   19 Jun 84   +FIX
	R80 ECC routine causes Machine Check 9 on 11/730
vaxuba/lp.c--sys			      Steve Campbell   8 Jun 84   
	inconsistency between MAKEDEV and lp on minor device numbers
vaxuba/lp.c--sys	hplabs!tymix!feldman (Steve Feldman)   29 May 84   +FIX
	watchdog timer doesn't check for unflushed buffers
vaxuba/rl.c--sys		   Jeff Mogul < mogul@coyote>   26 Mar 84   +FIX
	an offline rl02 is ignored on boot-up
vaxuba/rl.c--sys		 Jeff Mogul < mogul@Gregorio>   14 Jun 84   +FIX
	partition table missing E partition entry
vaxuba/uba.c--sys	   Mike Braca < mjb%Brown@UDel-Relay>   27 Sep 83   +FIX
	UBA reset causes panic
vaxuba/uda.c--sys     lbl-csam!astrovax!matt (Matt Crawford)   1 Dec 83    +FIX
	"set controller char" fails if disk unit 0 not present
vaxuba/ut.c--sys	 ihnp4!dicomed!boylan (Chris Boylan)   4 Jun 84    +FIX
	segmentation violation caused by misplaced assignment
vaxuba/{dn,lp,rl,uu}.c--sys    guest@ucbarpa (Guest Account)   19 Jun 84   +FIX
	unterminated address lists for unibus drivers
vgrind/tmac.vgrind--ucb       sdcrdcf!glenn (Glenn C. Scott)   28 Sep 84   +FIX
	fix for putting page numbers on alternate corners of pages
vgrind/vfontedpr.c--ucb			      wayne@lbl-csam   12 Sep 84   +FIX
	changes date on last page of one file to that of next file
vgrind/vgrindefs.src--ucb	 ucsfcgl!arnold (Ken Arnold)   25 Sep 84   +FIX
	"void" is left out as a keyword for C programs
vi--ucb (Michael Scott)   7 Sep 84   
	unsuccessful search for pattern from tags file turns magic off.
vmstat.c--ucb			 mazama!stew (Stewart Levin)   22 Mar 84   +FIX
	doesn't see external/internal clock speed differences
vmstat.c--ucb			   cbosgd!mark (Mark Horton)   2 Jun 83    +FIX
	timer calculations wrong (60 vs 100 ticks/second)
vtroff--ucb			  jimbo@ucbic (Jim Kleckner)   11 Oct 83   +FIX
	handles "-" option wrong
which.csh--ucb    !garfield!andrew@BERKELEY (Andrew Draskoy)   17 Jan 84   +FIX
	doesn't see aliases
whois--man		 j...@ut-sally.ARPA (John Quarterman)   12 Jan 84   +FIX
	no manual entry



                           --IMPORTANT DISCLAIMERS--

          Material in this announcement and the  accompanying  reports
          has been edited and organized by MT XINU as a service to the
          UNIX community on a non-profit,  non-commercial  basis.   MT

          MT XINU welcomes comments in writing about the  contents  of
          these reports via uucp or US mail.  MT XINU cannot, however,
          accept telephone calls or enter into telephone conversations
          about this material.


          Legal  difficulties  which  have delayed the distribution of
          4.2bsd buglist summaries by MT XINU have been  resolved  and
          three versions of the buglist are now available.

          The current buglist has been derived from reports  submitted
          to  4bsd-bugs@BERKELEY  (not  from reports submitted only to
          net.bugs.4bsd, for example).  Reports  are  integrated  into
          the  buglist as they are received, so that any distributions
          are current to within a week or so.

          Buglists now being distributed are  essentially  "raw".   No
          judgment  has been passed as to whether the submitted bug is
          real or not or whether it has been fixed. Only minimal edit-
          ing  has  been  done  to produce a manageable list.  Reports
          which are complaints (rather than  bug  reports)  have  been
          eliminated;  obscenities  and  content-free flames have been
          eliminated; and duplicates have been combined.  The  result-
          ing collection contains over 500 bugs.

          Three versions of the buglist are now  ready  for  distribu-

               Two lines per bug, including a concise description, the
               affected   module,  the  submittor.  Approximately  55K
               bytes, it is  being  distributed  to  net.sources  con-
               currently with this announcement.

               All material, except that all but the most inocuous  of
               source  material  has been removed to meet AT&T license
               restrictions.   Nearly  a  mega-byte,  this   will   be
               distributed  to  net.sources in several 50K byte pieces
               later this week.

               A paper listing or mag  tape  is  also  available,  see

               Please note that local  usenet  size  restrictions  may
               prevent   large   files   from  being  received  and/or
               retransmitted.  MT XINU will not dump this material  on
               the  net  a  second time; if your site has not received
               material of interest to you within a  reasonable  time,
               please send for a paper or tape copy.

          All-with-Source (FOR SOURCE LICENSEES ONLY):

               4.2 licensees who also  have  a  suitable  AT&T  source
               license  can obtain a tape containing all the material,
               including proposed source fixes where such were submit-

               Once again, MT XINU has not evaluated, tested or passed
               judgment  on proposed fixes; all we have done is organ-
               ize the collection and eliminate obvious  irrelevancies
               and duplications.

          A free paper copy of the All-but-Source list can be obtained
          by sending mail to:
                  MT XINU
                  739 Allston Way
                  Berkeley CA 94710

                  attn: buglist

          or electronic mail to:


          (Be sure to include your US mail address!)

          For a tape, send a check for $110 or a  purchase  order  for
          $150  to  cover  MT  XINU's costs to the address given above
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			  SCO's Case Against IBM

November 12, 2003 - Jed Boal from Eyewitness News KSL 5 TV provides an
overview on SCO's case against IBM. Darl McBride, SCO's president and CEO,
talks about the lawsuit's impact and attacks. Jason Holt, student and 
Linux user, talks about the benefits of code availability and the merits 
of the SCO vs IBM lawsuit. See SCO vs IBM.

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